
Voodoofest Dancer

14"x14" oil painting. A dancer featured at Voodoofest in New Orleans. Shipping included.
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Black and White Portraits

These portraits are all watercolors, done in black and white (black and grey). Some originals are available. Many have 12x16 signed and limited edition prints. Giclee 8 x 10 prints - framed and unframed - are also available.

Free shipping over $75.00. 

Maman Brigette Framed print

Maman Brigette is the guide to the afterlife, along with Baron Samedi. She is also a healer and can decide if you should be healed or not. She came from Ireland, went to Haiti and ended up in New Orleans.

8x10 giclee printed framed and matted to 11x14.


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Please contact Susan for details